In the video, the gargantuan creature swam up to the crew's dive cage and poked around curiously before disappearing back into the blue. In 2014, Deep Blue was pregnant, making her look even bigger. Mauricio Hoyos Padilla, a shark conservationist working for Discovery's "Shark Week," shot jaw-dropping footage of the massive creature off Mexico's Guadalupe Island in 2013. It's thought that she could be more than 50 years old.
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Her name is Deep Blue and, at an estimated 20 feet long and possibly still growing, she's widely considered to be among the largest great white sharks ever caught on camera. Deep Blue is a heavily pregnant Great White Shark and is ready to hunt some unlucky Elephant Seals. (A) A tiger shark, (B) a whale shark, (C) a king penguin, (D) an Antarctic fur seal, (E) a green turtle, (F) a Cuvier’s. LOS ANGELES - The average great white shark clocks in between 11 and 15 feet long, but one great white spotted just a few times in recent years blows her brothers and sisters out of the water. A figure illustrating the circling movements recorded in each species. Deep Blue, a 20-foot great white shark spotted off the coast of Guadalupe Island, is widely considered to be among the biggest great white sharks ever filmed. The great white shark Deep Blue is pregnant, according to researchers at Guadalupe Island, but having baby sharks can be a dangerous time, even for a mother as monstrously fearsome and large as Deep Blue.